Spring brings beautiful weather + lush new plant life, and it also brings fresh safety hazards for our pets. As you prepare to do some Spring Cleaning around the house, be sure to include a Pet Safety Check-Up for your pack as well!

1) Pet Allergies The increase in dust + pollen doesn't just affect you - it can cause issues for your pets as well! You may notice your pup or kitty sneezing more often, or maybe they are itching more frequently due to skin irritation. We love the Dyson V8 Animal Vacuum Cleaner for daily cleaning- it gets especially dusty in our Foothills area so anything that picks up dust + animal hair easily is a huge win in our book. We also use an Air Purifier (we have an older version of this Winix model) to go the extra mile to keep dust & dander from becoming an issue for us or our pets. Our Great Dane was particularly susceptible to skin issues during the Spring + Summer months, and the Skin Soother Stick + Balm by Natural Dog Company worked wonders for him! We highly recommend you purchase a stick or tin to have on hand for your cat or pup - it's seriously a miracle worker for any minor skin issues for our pets!
2) Avoid Harmful + Toxic Plants Lilies are everywhere during the Spring/Easter season. They're beautiful to look at, but deadly for our pets. Be sure to keep all lilies out of your home to avoid accidental ingestion. It's also just about Foxtail season, which can be particularly harmful for dogs. Be sure to keep an eye out for these pesky plants in your yard and while out on walks - always keep your dog leashed and don't allow them to walk in or sniff through heavily overgrown/weeded areas.
3) Flea + Tick Prevention Spring also brings a fresh influx of fleas, ticks and mosquitoes to our area. Take some time this month to research your preventative options - there are prescriptive pills your Veterinarian may prescribe, there are over-the-counter pills + there are also several natural sprays/options available on the market (our personal method of choice). Research your choices and make the best decision based on your pet's health needs ❤️
4) Green Your Cleaning Routine Did you know most of the usual household cleaning products are hazardous to you + your pets? Chances are you have some hidden dangers lurking in your cleaning closet. Check out the EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning - we love referencing their app + site to ensure our products are safe for our entire pack! The EWG is also a great resource to check on the safety of your skincare/toiletry products and the latest updates to the Dirty Dozen/Clean 15 produce list.
5) Tag + Microchip Your Pet This is definitely the best and easiest way to be proactive when it comes to pet safety. Dogs and cats can escape from the most secure of yards, homes or other enclosures when they feel scared or in danger, so it's important for pets to always have up-to-date ID information on them. You can verify your pet's microchip information at your vet's office or online. Once you've done that, check to see if your pet's collar needs an update - does it fit properly (snug, but not tight) and is the information accurate? There is no limit to the amount of options out there for a pet collar, so you can have looks and function, too!